18. April 2016

Parrot Polish Women Of War Part II

Ich schulde euch ja immer noch Part II der 'Women Of War' Kollektion von Parrot Polish und nun kommt sie und passt natürlich auch zur "Wir lackieren..." Aktion von Tine und mir. Part I der Kollektion findet ihr *hier*.

Krystyna Skarbek

Krystyna Skarbek (later Christine Granville) was the daughter of a Polish Count and the granddaughter of a wealthy Jewish banker. Skarbek's second husband was a diplomat, and they were together in Ethiopia when World War II broke out. Skarbek signed up with Britain's Section D to return to Poland through Hungary and facilitate communications with the Allies. Impressed with the "flaming Polish patriot," the British intelligence service accepted her plan. Beginning in 1939, Skarbek worked to organize Polish resistance groups and smuggle Polish pilots out of the occupied nation. She was arrested by the Gestapo in 1941, but faked a case of TB by biting her tongue until it bled. They let her go after hours of interrogation. Skarbek and her partner Andrzej Kowerski went to the British embassy and received new identities as Christine Granville and Andrew Kennedy. They were smuggled out of Poland through Yugoslavia to Turkey, where they were welcomed by the British.In Cairo in 1944, Granville and Kennedy founded themselves persona non grata because the Polish group they had been working with, the Musketeers, had been compromised by German spies. Granville could not be sent back to Poland, and instead trained as a radio operator and paratrooper. After D-Day she was dropped into France, but her assigned resistance area was overrun with Germans, so she escaped, hiking 70 miles to safety. She then worked in the Alps to turn Axis fighters. Granville's success rate was almost supernatural and she took extraordinary risks to pull off further capers. The most famous was when she outed herself as a spy to French officials working for the Gestapo, and arranged a prisoner release by threats and promises of money. Granville and the prisoners made it out alive, which secured her reputation as a legendary spy.

Wie ihre Schwestern aus dem ersten Teil der Kollektion haben auch die heutigen drei Lacke ein holografisches Finish mit einem kleinen Schuss Farbe. Krystyna ist der blaue Lack aus der Kollektion und mein Favorit (neben Lyudmila). Es ist ein helles Blau, das aber trotzdem intensiv funkelt und mir besonders gut an mir gefällt.

Die Konsistenz ist sehr gut und angenehm zu lackieren. Zwei dünne Schichten reichen für optimale Deckkraft und die Trocknung ist wirklich fix. Auf meinen Bildern seht ihr Krystyna ohne Topcoat.

Susan Travers

Englishwoman Susan Travers was a socialite living in France when the war broke out. She trained as a nurse for the French Red Cross and became an ambulance driver. When France fell to the Nazis, she escaped to London via Finland and joined the Free French Forces. In 1941, Travers was sent with the French Foreign Legion as a driver to Syria and then to North Africa. Assigned to drive Colonel Marie-Pierre Koenig, she fell in love with him. In Libya, her unit was besieged by Rommel's Afrika Corps, but Travers refused to be evacuated with the other female personnel. After hiding for 15 days in sand pits, the unit decided to make a break at night. The enemy noticed the escaping convoy when a land mine went off. Driving the lead vehicle with Koenig, Travers took off at breakneck speed under machine gun fire and broke through the enemy lines, leading 2,500 troops to the safety of an Allied encampment hours later. Her car was full of bullet holes. Travers was promoted to General, and served in Italy, Germany, and France during the remainder of the war. She was wounded once during that period driving over a land mine. After the war, Travers applied to become a an official member of the French Foreign Legion. She did not specify her sex on the application, and it was accepted -rubber-stamped by an officer who knew and admired her. Travers was the only woman ever to serve with the Legion as an official member, and was posted to Vietnam during the First Indo-China War. Some of her awards were the Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre and Médaille Militaire. Travers waited until the year 2000, when she was 91 years old, to publish her autobiography Tomorrow to Be Brave: A Memoir of the Only Woman Ever to Serve in the French Foreign Legion. By then, both her husband (whom she met after World War II) and Colonel Koenig (who was a married man during the war) had passed away.

Susan ist der Lila Kandidat der Reihe und wirkt in manchen Blickwinkeln sogar fast Anthrazit. David hat die Holos jeweils nur mit einem Tint eingefärbt, weshalb die Farben alle nicht so intensiv und sehr holografisch angegraut sind. Das macht den Charme dieser Kollektion aus und passt sehr gut zum Thema, wie ich finde.

Auch hier waren es wieder zwei unkomplizierte und dünne Schichten und für meine Bilder ohne Topcoat.

Nancy Wake

Born in New Zealand and raised in Australia, Nancy Wake was a journalist in New York and London and then married a wealthy Frenchman and was living in Marseille when Germany invaded. Wake immediately went to work for the French resistance, hiding and smuggling men out of France and ferrying contraband supplies and falsified documents. She was once captured and interrogated for days, but gave no secrets away. With the Nazis in hot pursuit, Wake managed to escape to Britain in 1943, and joined the Special Operations Executive (SOE), a British intelligence agency. After training with weapons and parachutes, she was airdropped back into France -as an official spy and warrior. Wake had no trouble shooting Nazis or blowing up buildings with the French guerrilla fighters known as maquis in the service of the resistance. She once killed an SS sentry with her bare hands. After the war, Nancy Wake was awarded the George Medal from the British, the Medal of Freedom from the U.S., and the Médaille de la Résistance and three Croix de Guerre from France, among other honors. She also found out that her husband had died in 1943 when the Gestapo had tortured him to find out his wife's whereabouts. He refused any cooperation to the point of death.Wake ran for political office a few times in Australia, and remarried in the 1950s. She published her biography, The White Mouse, in 1988. That was the Gestapo's nickname for her due to her talent for sneaking by them. Nancy Wake died August 7, 2011 at age 98.

Und last but not least haben wir hier Nancy, deren holografische Basis mit Anthrazit versetzt ist und den Lack zu einem Dunkelgrau werden lässt. Witzigerweise gibt die Holoflamme dem Lack auch noch einen leichten Stich in's Türkis. 

Nancy deckt wie ihre Schwestern mit zwei Schichten und bereitet keine Probleme beim Lackieren. Die Konsistenz ist angenehm und die Trockenzeit auch. Für meine Bilder gab es wieder kein Topcoat.

Und? Was sagt ihr zu den sechs Ladies? Welcher gefällt euch am Besten? Einer dieser drei oder einer der anderen drei? Erhältlich sind die Lacke von Parrot Polish im Onlineshop und Infos und Bilder gibt es natürlich auf Facebook und Instagram. ;)

These products were provided by the maker for my honest review - thank you, David!

4 Kommentare:

  1. They are pretty all 3 of them, cannot choose!

  2. Schick schick. :) Ich glaube, ich mag am liebsten den ersten aus dem heutigen Post, das hübsche Hellblau. ;-)

  3. Ui da fällt es mir ja schwer einen Favoriten zu wählen, ich finde alle super schön und der Holo Effekt ist genial! ♥

  4. Wie immer sehr schöne Holos - aber mir sind sie alle ein bisschen zu ähnlich und zart... :x


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