As this month's giveaway for the "Wir lackieren..." challenge from Tine and me is internationally open, I opted for an English version of the text. Thanks to lovely Missi from Different Dimension we can host a new giveaway this month. One or two or even three girls can win a little surprise package from this brand. Yay!
And that's how you enter:
- you follow Tine and/or me on the Blog or Instagram and you are 18 years or older (or have a permission by a parent)
- the giveaway is open worldwide
- you follow Tine and/or me on the Blog or Instagram and you are 18 years or older (or have a permission by a parent)
- the giveaway is open worldwide
- you share the giveaway picture with the hashtag #wirlackierenDiffDimension on your blog, on Facebook or Instagram, tagging me @marzipany, @tinesuchtnachmehr and @differentdimensionus (1 entry - mandatory for everybody!)
- for each additional picture of a Different Dimension mani you add in our gallery and share on your social media with our usual hashtag #wirlackieren or the giveaway hashtag you get another entry (1 additional entry per picture shared)
- out of all entries one winner will be chosen via (maybe we will have a second and third winner, too) :)The giveaway starts today on the 06th of November 2018 and is open until the 30th of November 2018 23:59 pm (later entries won't count).
*The giveaway prizes are sponsored by Different Dimension - thank you very much!
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