
One last time this year Tine and me are having a giveaway for the "Wir lackieren..." challenge. As it is internationally open again, here is an English version of the text. Thanks to dear Lindsey from Tonic Polish two of you can win a gift card for her shop. Yay! The first winner will get $50 gift card and the second winner will get a $25 gift card.

And that's how you enter:

- you follow Tine and/or me on the Blog or Instagram and you are 18 years or older (or have a permission by a parent)

- the giveaway is open worldwide

- you share the giveaway picture with the hashtag #wirlackierenTonicPolish on your blog, on Facebook or Instagram, tagging me @marzipany@tinesuchtnachmehr and @tonicpolish (1 entry - mandatory for everybody!)

- for each additional picture of a Tonic Polish mani you add in our gallery and share on your social media with our usual hashtag #wirlackieren or the giveaway hashtag you get another entry (1 additional entry per picture shared)

- out of all entries one first and second winner will be chosen via Random.org

The giveaway starts today on the 08th of December 2018 and is open until the 31th of December 2018 23:59 pm (later entries won't count).

*The giveaway prizes are sponsored by Tonic Polish - thank you very much!

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Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs